Invest in California Families: Senate Hearing on SB 899

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Invest in California families.

The ACLU of California is proud a co-sponsor an important piece of legislation that will help in building strong, healthier, and happier families.

SB 899 will repeal California’s policy of denying financial support to babies born while their families are receiving CalWORKs basic needs grants. The only exceptions to this policy, known as the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule, are for rape and the failure of certain long-acting contraceptives specified in the law.

Join us on April 8 at the State Capitol for the Senate Human Services hearing on SB 899. We will meet in the 6th floor cafeteria at 12:30 p.m.

California State Capitol
1315 10th St., 6th Floor Cafeteria
Sacramento, CA

For information the day of, call Ashley at 510-239-7744.

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