Our lawyers and advocates are among the nation's leading experts on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms. Read the latest on the ACLU of Northern California’s work. To schedule a press interview, call (415) 621-2493 or contact press@aclunc.org.
ACLU Joins Legal Team Defending Sacramento City Councilmember’s Representative Against Restraining Orders Sought by City Officials
Jul 07, 2021
In a case with important First Amendment implications, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California has joined the legal team defending the free speech rights of a Sacramento City Councilmember’s representative, Skyler Henry. City officials have sought restraining orders against Henry, alleging that his critical comments of government officials constitute threats to the safety of city staff.
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Coalition Urges UC Regents to End Harmful Restrictions on LGBTQ-inclusive and Reproductive Care
Jun 21, 2021
This Wednesday, at 9:30 am PT, the UC Regents will review policy on restrictive contracts that require UC medical providers and students to deny essential health care to their patients.
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California Court Rejects the State's Prolonged Detention of People with Psychiatric and Intellectual Disabilities in County Jails
Jun 16, 2021
The California Court of Appeal has ruled that the state’s prolonged detention of people who have been declared incompetent to stand trial due to psychiatric or intellectual disability violates their right to due process. This has profound implications for the thousands of people who languish in county jails every year because they cannot stand trial or pursue their defense without adequate treatme...
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Civil Rights and Legal Aid Organizations Demand California Court Ends Unconstitutional $300 Civil Assessment Fees
May 26, 2021
The demand letter contends that civil assessments violate due process, equal protection rights, and California statutes, by denying a fair hearing and imposing costs without regard to people’s ability to pay.
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Court Denies Motion for Preliminary Civil Injunction Filed by San Francisco City Attorney
May 19, 2021
Today, a San Francisco Court denied the motion for a preliminary civil injunction filed by the San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera that would have banned four people from the Tenderloin District: a 50-square block area abundant with services, businesses, and other opportunities that support marginalized communities.
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ACLU research suggests that California’s vaccine distribution plan may leave more than 2 million vulnerable residents without additional supply
May 06, 2021
The ACLU Foundation of Northern California is calling on state officials to ensure that its equity-focused COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan won’t leave some of California’s most vulnerable communities behind.
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ACLU Asks Court to Deny City Attorney's Bid to Ban Four People from the Tenderloin
May 04, 2021
Today, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California asks the court to deny the motions for preliminary civil injunctions filed by the San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera that would ban four people from a 50-square-block area of the Tenderloin who are alleged to have engaged in drug dealing.
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ACLU Calls Out Chico’s City Council for Criminalizing Unhoused People and for Violations of the Brown Act
May 03, 2021
Today, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California sent a letter to the Chico City Council expressing concern for the City’s treatment of unhoused people and recent violations of the Brown Act, a law that requires advance notice of Council meetings, follows a set agenda, and provides for public comment.
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ACLU Calls on Biden Administration to Shut Down ICE Detention Facilities
Apr 28, 2021
The National ACLU today called upon Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas to close 39 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities nationwide. The Yuba County Jail and the Mesa Verde Detention Facility in Kern County are among six detention facilities in California identified by the ACLU for closure.
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ACLU Statement on Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict
Apr 20, 2021
“Today, for the first time in state history, a white police officer has been held accountable for killing a Black man. Now, we can finally say George Floyd’s name and make it synonymous not only with grief, anger, and loss over his brutal murder, but with a moment of justice. But to be clear, true justice would mean George Floyd was alive today, with his fiancée, his daughter, and his family.
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ACLU Urges Lemoore School District to Provide Distance Learning Options to all Students During COVID-19 in Accordance with the Law
Mar 29, 2021
The ACLU Foundation of Northern California sent a letter to the Lemoore Union Elementary School District expressing deep concern for the District’s failure to provide all students with a distance learning option during the Covid-19 pandemic. The letter urges the District to immediately comply with public health guidance and the law to provide a high-quality distance learning option to all students...
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ACLU Sues Fresno County Sheriff’s Office for Violation of California’s Public Records Act
Mar 23, 2021
The law firm Munger, Tolles & Olson, representing the ACLU Foundation of Northern California, filed suit against the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office for its failure to comply with a public record request seeking information regarding use of force, discharge of firearms, sexual assault, and dishonesty by its officers. The complaint seeks immediate disclosure of all of the requested public records.
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