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As part of our work, the ACLU of Northern California issues reports, position papers and advocacy materials that study and note developments in civil liberties. Below is a listing of our publications.

report cover

Stun Gun Fallacy: How the Lack of Taser Regulation Endangers Lives

Sep 01, 2005
Police use of Taser stun guns to subdue suspects in California and around the nation has increased dramatically in recent years. Billed by their manufacturer, Taser International, as a non-lethal alternative to deadly force, Tasers have been purchased and deployed by a growing number of law enforcement agencies. However, while the Taser is less deadly than a traditional firearm, it is hardly ... Read More
Criminal Intelligence Systems: A California Perspective

Criminal Intelligence Systems: A California Perspective

Sep 01, 2003
A criminal intelligence system engages in three general functions: (1) collection and analysis of information; (2) storage and maintenance of that portion of the information that qualifies as criminal intelligence and (3) limited dissemination and use of the intelligence information to enhance public safety. It is important to emphasize that there is a major responsibility which accompanies the op... Read More
Sex Education in California Public Schools: Are Students Learning What They Need To Know?

Sex Education in California Public Schools: Are Students Learning What They Need To Know?

Aug 01, 2003
Despite recent improvements, California teenagers continue to have rates of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI) that would be considered a crisis in many countries. In fact, teen birth rates for California are higher than those for every other Western democracy in the world.1 This raises the question of whether the state's public schools are adequately educating young pe... Read More
report cover

Roadmap to Reform: Strengthening the Accountability Mechanisms of the San Francisco Police Department

Mar 12, 2003
The recent indictments of high-ranking officers in the San Francisco Police Department have brought into the spotlight both the Department as a whole and the mechanisms that exist for holding police accountable for misconduct. The media, elected officials, and members of the public have not only focused on the merits of the charges against the individual officers involved, but have begun to exa... Read More
a department in denial

A Department in Denial: The San Francisco Police Department's Failure to Address Racial Profiling

Oct 07, 2002
Racial profiling by law enforcement has long plagued communities of color, yet until recently was virtually ignored by the media, courts, and public officials. In the last few years, the issue seized the attention of the public as never before, due in no small part to the data first released in New Jersey and Maryland showing extreme racial profiling problems within the state police departments... Read More
Caught in the Backlash: Stories from Northern California

Caught in the Backlash: Stories from Northern California

Jul 01, 2002
The cataclysm of Sept. 11, 2001, shuddered across America like an earthquake, shocking our basic assumptions, jarring our complacency and rattling our view of the world. But if the attacks on New York and Washington DC were an earthquake, they carried with them a powerful aftershock – a backlash that continues to penetrate the lives of American citizens and immigrants across the nation. Read More