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As part of our work, the ACLU of Northern California issues reports, position papers and advocacy materials that study and note developments in civil liberties. Below is a listing of our publications.

A hand is drawing the outline of California and the words "Redistricting for Community Empowerment: A Legal How-To Guide" are written underneath

Redistricting for Community Empowerment: A Legal How-To Guide

May 27, 2021
Redistricting is the process of redrawing the district maps used by political jurisdictions to elect public officials. This process takes place every ten years following each decennial census and affects all government bodies that use district elections including the U.S. House of Representatives, state legislatures, county boards of supervisors, city councils, and school boards. This year, hundre... Read More
Cover page for ACLU of California report, "Carriers to Reproductive Justice While Detained". Below the title is an image of a woman of color holding a small child in her arms. Below this image is the ACLU of California logo.

Barriers to Reproductive Justice While Detained

Nov 17, 2020
The detention of immigrants is inherently a violation of reproductive justice, as it denies people their bodily autonomy and human rights. Barriers to Reproductive Health While Detained seeks to promote awareness of these problems among the legal and medical providers working with detained people, and to provide ready access to some of the relevant legal standards. Read More
A graphic from the cover page of our report "Failing Grade: The Status of Native American Education in Humboldt County"

Failing Grade: The Status of Native American Education in Humboldt County

Oct 27, 2020
Today, Native American students throughout California continue to face disproportionately higher rates of exclusionary discipline, chronic absenteeism, and lower academic outcomes than their nonIndigenous peers. In Humboldt County, home to nearly twenty times more Indigenous students than the statewide average, these disparities are egregious. Read More
A photograph of a white surveillance camera

Fighting Local Surveillance: A Toolkit

May 14, 2020
Together, we are achieving important victories against secret and dangerous surveillance. We are raising awareness of how surveillance technology like drones, stingrays, and facial recognition exacerbate discriminatory policing, suppress dissent, and facilitate harm to immigrants and people of color. We are building the political coalitions and power essential to win surveillance reform and durabl... Read More
Cover of the report, "Cops and No Counselors" How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff is Harming Students

Cops and No Counselors

Mar 04, 2019
Data about school counselors had been required previously, but this report provides the first state-level student-to-staff ratio comparison for these other school-based mental health personnel, along with school counselors. A key finding of the report is that schools are under-resourced and students are overcriminalized. Read More
Engaging with Local Decision-Makers

ACLU Toolkit: Engaging with Local Decision-Makers

Sep 26, 2018
A toolkit for communities seeking improved water, sanitation, and other municipal services Everyone needs basic municipal services, ranging from water to garbage and sewage removal. But these services are not equitably distributed. The purpose of this toolkit is to help residents advocate for the services they need and deserve. It explains a key process by which local governments make decision... Read More
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A Survey of Efforts to Achieve Universal Access to Water and Sanitation in California

Apr 12, 2018
A report by the ACLU Foundation of Northern California and the Pacific Institute, “A Survey of Efforts to Achieve Universal Access to Water and Sanitation in California,” details the lack of access to sanitation faced by many communities in California. In 2012, California became the first state in the country to enact legislation recognizing the human right to water. But low-income people who l... Read More
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Is Funding for High-Need Students Actually Reaching those Students?

Mar 22, 2018
A report by the ACLU Foundations of California and Fresno Building Health Communities, “Is Funding for High-Need Students Actually Reaching Those Students? A Review of Fresno Unified’s Local Control Accountability Plan” details one school district’s attempt to improperly use state funds designated for high need students. In 2014, California passed the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), a law th... Read More
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Making Smart Decisions About Smart Cities

Nov 13, 2017
“Smart city” products are often touted as cost-efficient solutions to providing government services and addressing societal challenges, but in reality, these technologies are no more intelligent than the data and algorithms behind them. Like other tools, their effectiveness depends on when, where and how they are used. These technologies can cause real harm to people—they have the power to exacerb... Read More
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Bail Reform: ACLU Activist Toolkit

Jul 18, 2017
On any given day, over 60 percent of people in jail in California are awaiting trial or sentencing, and many remain detained simply because they cannot afford to post money bail. The results can be devastating. Individuals who spend even a few days in pretrial detention - let alone weeks or even months - can end up losing their jobs, their homes, and their children. The current bail system disprop... Read More